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Top livres-jeux

Top livres-jeux

Mon top 3 des livres-jeux préférés !

Livres-Jeux par Livres-Jeux

  • Les Veilleurs

    Les Veilleurs


    Les Veilleurs is a book in which you are the hero, proposing to discover the secrets buried deep in the bowels of Austerion.

  • La Clef - Astolie


    La Clef is a book of riddles illustrated with invisible ink that invites you to discover a story of Dark Fantasy in a declining world.

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  • Toutou Détective, le héros de la BD c'est toi !


    Toutou Detective is a comic book with four main stories. The reader will discover hilarious plots and lots of secrets. The experience is renewed with each new reading.

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  • 4/5

    Château Aventure - La Suite


    Château Aventure - La Suite is a mini role-playing game inspired by the old text adventure video games. Alone or with your companions, take on the computer and experience incredible adventures.

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  • 5/5

    SPA Galactique

    SPA Galactique is a role-playing game for 1 gamemaster and 1 player from 6 years old!

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