The Albatros D.III was the continuation of the line of “shark shaped” fighters that began with the D.I in the fall of 1916. Among the improvements was adopting the “sesquiplane” design from the Nieuport fighters, gaining climb and visibility, but weakening the structure. Still, the D.III dominated the skies and was the main killer during “Bloody April.” The Austrians built the D.III under license and actually managed to improve on the original. There were still some in combat at the Armistice.
Albatros D.III (Frommherz)
Hermann Frommherz went from 2-seater pilot to the famous Jasta 2, where his first fighter was the “Blau Maus.” He survived World War I with 32 victories.
Albatros D.III (Gruber)
Kurt Gruber’s first victory came with the Austro–Hungarian ace Godwin Brumowski manning the guns in his Albatros 2–seater, and they fought together again in this D.III in Flik 41J.
Albatros D.III (Von Richthofen)
Manfred von Richthofen, to flaunt his prowess in front of the enemy, painted this airplane completely bright red, partly obscuring its markings. For this reason, he became universally known as the “Red Baron.”
Each WW1 Wings of Glory® Airplane Pack is a ready–to–play model, painted and assembled, 100% compatible with any other WW1 Wings of Glory game product.
Contents :
Language(s) | English | |
Expansion for | Wings of Glory | |
Country of origin | China | |
Editor | Ares Games | |
EAN | 8054181512540 |
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