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Venzia is a role-playing game for a planet, reggia, submerged by the waves from the diluvio, a great cataclysm that has occurred a few hundred years ago. The action takes place mainly in a city: Venzia.
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Venzia is a role-playing game for a planet, reggia, submerged by the waves from the diluvio, a great cataclysm that has occurred a few hundred years ago. The action takes place mainly in a city: Venzia. This lakeside city is maintained afloat by antédiluvian technology and now misunderstood. It is dotted with channels that begin gondolas. Here or there, these flooded axes are crossed by narrow bridges under which the boats can sneak. The urban development of the city has been limited on the surface by the rare islands on which constructions rush towards the heavens. While at the quays, citizens are fighting to survive, their leaders intrigue in the dizzying heights of the city. At the top of this urban stack trounds the Palace of the doge, whose occupant is none other than the employer of the characters players. In a disorder political context, he relies on them to execute his orders with discretion and efficiency. For this, the PCs will be helped by a remainder of the technology of yesteryear: the hippografts. These old armor increase the capabilities of their wearer. They allow him to accomplish extraordinary exploits. Thanks to them, individuals like the others are able to chambellate the destiny of their city, but also reggia. Live 240 pages in color. Rigid cover.
Of Cape and Sword, Science Fiction
Cédric B, Roxane Bourget, Laurent Devernay, Raphael Bardas, François Cedelle
Overall score
Studio Deadcrows
Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Clients
Les Clients ont donné une note de 4/5 sur ce produit
Maxime C.
le 12/15/17
Visiblement limité par un format éditorial qui ne lui permet pas d'aller au bout de ses ambitions, Venzia souffre en l'état d'une approche incomplète, tant dans son background qui fait l'impasse sur un élément majeur (les réponses aux très nombreuses questions soulevées) que dans son système de règles (qui conserve son côté générique et ne parvient pas à retranscrire l'ambiance du jeu dans ses mécaniques). C'est vraiment dommage, parce qu'en dépit de ces réserves (qui, à n'en pas douter, seront corrigée par les futures publications), Venzia est un jeu sacrément cool ! Le principe de base, l'ambiance, la description de la ville, les illustrations, absolument tout donne envie d'endosser les armure Hippogriffe et de se plonger dans ce Venise aux accents steampunk.
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