


In Khiva, you take on the role of a merchant and try to attract the richest caravans with a system reminiscent of tug-of-war. Bags of salt, luxurious carpets and teapots are just some of the riches you'll need to reach your goal.
  • English, French
  • From 8 years old
  • less than 30mn
  • 2 to 5 player(s)

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24,90 €


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Use your business acumen and try to attract the richest caravans to establish your reputation and become the Prince of Merchants.

Once the set-up is complete, each player is dealt 5 cards. These cards are used to move a camel. Players place 1 card face-down in front of them, which they will play for this round AND 1 card, which they pass to their left-hand neighbor for subsequent rounds. Players uncover their cards simultaneously.

Each player moves the camel of the color he has played in the direction of his Path.

If 2 players have played a card of the same color, the player with the lowest value moves the camel and receives the indicated wealth. The other player receives 1 gem in compensation. Played cards are set aside, but always visible to all. The further you advance, the more information you'll have about the cards still in the deck.

The game ends as soon as one of the resources is exhausted. The winner is the one who has accumulated the most wealth.

Contents :
  •     1 Rule book FR
  •     1 Rule Book EN
  •     5 Camel counters
  •     1 Khiva Board
  •     5 Path Tiles
  •     5 Personal Trays
  •     22 Teapot tokens
  •     5 Salt Bag Chits
  •     15 Carpet Tokens
  •     30 Precious Stones
  •     25 Displacement Cards
Theme(s) Trade
Language(s) EnglishFrench
Mechanism(s) CardsBluffDraft
Author(s) Johannes GoupyGuillaumes Scholz
Artist Camille Chaussy
Overall score 4.3
Editor The Flying Games
EAN 3770005902346


Renard Ludique

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Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Bloggers

Les Bloggers ont donné une note de 5/5 sur ce produit
  • Ce jeu a été joué et recommandé par Le Carnet des Geekeries, voici son avis :


    Avec Khiva, on retrouve un jeu au design épuré, familial, et bien plus malin qu’il n’y parait ! Ce côté guessing à jouer les cartes au bon moment pour être sûr de faire venir le chameau de votre côté peut rapidement donner une bonne ambiance autour de la table. Mais n’oubliez pas que ça râlera gentiment quand un joueur vous coupera votre action en faisant venir le chameau chez lui, mais c’est aussi la force du jeu !

    La review complète : https://carnetdesgeekeries.com/khiva-avis-the-flying-games/

Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Clients

Les Clients ont donné une note de 3/5 sur ce produit
  • le 08/19/24 Achat vérifié

    Sympa mais trop linéaire, il faudrait une petite extension pour rajouter quelques règles ...

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