Beneath the surface of the globe lies a legendary world, unexplored and untouched by the ravages of modern man: the world of Savage Core! In this hollow land, factions have been battling it out since the dawn of time: the Neanderthals, the Cro-Magnons, the Simians, the Amazons, the Jaguar Tribe and the Atlanteans, among others.
Take charge of a band, and challenge your rivals on the battlefield. Fewer than 10 miniatures are needed to get started, on a 90cm by 90cm table.
The D10-based game system offers numerous opportunities for heroic action, and has an obvious Pulp flavor. What's more, a random event system allows the introduction of surface elements, such as the unexpected arrival of a Nazi treasure hunter!
Dive into the unknown, the world of Savage Core is waiting for you!
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