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Tiny Epic Dinosaurs Card Sleeves Bundle

Card Sleeves Bundle for Tiny Epic Dinosaurs. 

All the transparent card sleeves you need to protect the cards from Tiny Epic Dinosaurs.

Enjoy peace of mind during your game nights, knowing they won’t be spoiled by a spilled drink! 

2,99 €


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Boardgame Protectors

your order will be shipped on 13 Mar 2025

Tiny Epic Dinosaurs Card Sleeves Bundle

All the transparent card sleeves you need to protect the cards from Tiny Epic Dinosaurs
Enjoy peace of mind during your game nights, knowing they won’t be spoiled by a spilled drink!

We are a French company that exclusively uses high-quality Boardgame Protectors sleeves, designed especially for you!

Extremely durable, they ensure a long life for your games and make shuffling your cards a breeze.

Bundle contents :
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs Card Sleeves Bundle (Core Game) :
  •  1 x 100 sleeves for cards of size 41 x 63 mm
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs Card Sleeves Bundle (Core Game + 1 Expansions) :
  •  1 x 100 sleeves for cards of size 41 x 63 mm
Included Expansions in the Extensions Bundle :
  • Tiny Epic Dinosaurs: Laboratory Mini Expansion

Warning, this boardgame or its expansions have cards with non-standard sizes whose sleeves are not included :
  • 15 cards of size 88x125 mm (Core Game)
Technical Specifications:
  • Material: Transparent Polypropylene
  • Thickness: 60 microns
  • PH Neutral - PVC Free
  • Quantity: 100 card sleeves per pack
  • Brand: Boardgame Protectors
Editor Boardgame Protectors

Sleeves kits

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