Here's a clever insert to organize the entire game + KingDomino + Age of Giant in the QueenDomino box, including the assembled Age of Giant expansion tower!
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Here's a clever insert to organize the entire game + KingDomino + Age of Giant in the QueenDomino box, including the assembled Age of Giant expansion tower! Ready-to-use table-top modules for building tiles, pieces and counters mean you can set up your game in record time (4 minutes)!
This insert accommodates up to 4 3D-printed castles (not included) measuring 40x40x52mm, replacing the basic cardboard castles.
Contents of insert for QueenDomino, KingDomino, Age of giants :
1 removable module for King, Queen figures.
1 removable coin dispenser.
1 removable module for knights and towers.modules that hold/protect the central tower:
1 removable dispenser for red building tiles.
1 removable module for giant counters.
2 modules for Age of Giants dominoes.
Note: some of the dominoes are stored in the Age of Giants tower. The storage area holds all the dominoes and equipment, so you're free to organize it as you wish.
KingDomino and its extensions are games published by Blue Orange. Blue Orange assumes no responsibility for compatible storage systems offered by Pimeeple.
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Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Clients
Les Clients ont donné une note de 5/5 sur ce produit
Christophe L.
le 01/03/24
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