Time to move house!
A jam-packed family game by Mads Fløe.
July 1st is "Moving Day" in Québec, Canada. It's no joke as more than 100,000 people (!) move on this special day. Why? Starting in the 1700s, by law all leases would expire on the same day. The law has since been changed, but landlords and renters still stick to July 1st as the universal moving day. And since so many people are moving on the same day, it's of course near impossible to hire movers or even rent moving trucks — so everyone in the community shows up to help you move!
In Moving Day, your job is to pack all your stuff nicely into the available vehicles, trying to avoid crushing lighter items by putting heavier items on top, while also assigning people from the community to each vehicle. Some of them are pretty clumsy and might break fragile items if you are not careful, but if they bring delicious food with them, it might be impossible to turn them away...
On your turn, choose a set of two item tiles and one person card from a general display, then assign them to your vehicles. Be aware that your vehicles have limited space and different shapes, and you must fill the items from the bottom to the top. People also have different strengths and should ideally be strong enough to collectively lift your heavier items.
After eight rounds, the game ends. Each player now has sixteen item tiles and eight people cards assigned to their vehicles, and they calculate their score:
Heavy items on top of lighter items break the lighter items below.
Clumsy people will break fragile items.
Heavy items score more points than lighter items.
Score extra points for adjacent items of the same shape.
Score extra points for adjacent items of the same type.
Food tokens are also worth 1 point each!
The player with the most points wins!
Daily Life
English, German, French
Combination, Tiles
Mads Fløe
Natalia Kordowska
Overall score
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Les Bloggers ont donné une note de 4/5 sur ce produit
Ce jeu a été joué et recommandé par Gus & Co, voici son avis :
Moving Day fait partie de ces jeux malins, faciles à prendre en main mais qui cachent une profondeur que l’on prend plaisir à découvrir au fil des parties. Il saura satisfaire un large public de joueurs qui auront probablement envie d’enchaîner quelques parties pour essayer d’optimiser toujours mieux leurs choix. Bien que le thème me semble original et ait éveillé ma curiosité, je ne suis pas sûr que celui-ci soit suffisant pour attirer de nombreux nouveaux joueurs et maintenir leur intérêt après de nombreuses parties.
Il fonctionne très bien quel que soit le nombre de joueurs autour de la table. Sans réel défaut, le jeu manque sans doute d’un petit élément surprenant et/ou accrocheur pour créer de la passion et devenir un excellent jeu. Il saura vous divertir pendant les mois rudes de cet hiver, mais pas sûr qu’il soit toujours dans vos têtes une fois les beaux jours de retour. Aucun doute que les heureux propriétaires de Moving Day sauront en prendre soin lors de leur prochain déménagement.