Brew is a game of workers' placement and control of zones in which you will have to recruit mystical creatures in order to bring balance into the forest.
From 10 years old
1 to 2h
2 to 4 player(s)
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Bring balance to the forest with potions and woodland creatures!
Time is broken and shattered. Seasons all co-exist at the same time, and day and night have no real cycle - they turn at the whim of the forest.
This enchanted land has been thrown into chaos and it is up to you, the cunning mystics of the forest, to tame the extraordinary creatures of the woods and use your magic to restore balance.
In Brew, players must choose how to use elemental dice, either to regain as much control of the seasons as possible, or to procure goods from the local village. Recruiting woodland creatures and brewing potions can help offset random dice rolls or create an engine to help you tame the land.
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Les Clients ont donné une note de 4/5 sur ce produit
Julien D.
le 09/16/21
Achat vérifié
Bonne surprise. Je m'attendais "gentillet" par son aspect graphique et finalement y a de bonnes stratégies à mettre en place et une interaction entre les joueurs. Manque peut-être une notion d'évolution d'une manche à l'autre via des cartes et/ou forêts qui n'arriveraient qu'à une manche précise. Mais bon jeu et le matos est vraiment chouette
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