


Diluvium is a 4X game in which you're at the head of a powerful civilization. You'll need to explore and colonize the islands that lie before you, in order to extract as much wealth as possible.

  • French
  • From 10 years old
  • 30mn to 1h
  • 1 to 4 player(s)

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Enrich yourself by exploring the islands!

For long, terrible months, the sky poured down in torrents on the earth. Continents drowned, swallowed up by the voracious waves, while mighty empires staked their survival on shipbuilding.

The golden age of ancient civilizations was coming to an end. In search of a new land, each of you leads your people to the archipelagos. You are offered a chance to rebuild your world. But you are not alone. Other civilizations have suffered the same fate as you, and now find themselves on the only lands not to have been swallowed up. The scattered vestiges testify that you were not the first to set foot on this soil, but perhaps you'll be able to use the knowledge of the mysterious Mu Empire to assert your supremacy.

You will attempt to revive your greatness by exploring the seas, conquering the islands, amassing their resources and preparing for war. So little room for so many great peoples... You know there won't be enough space for everyone, and you must make your mark immediately if you wish to restore your former greatness.

You can explore and conquer the islands of Diluvium with 2, 3 or 4 players. A single-player mode even lets you play alone in a campaign whose twists and turns depend solely on your choices!

In Diluvium, be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions - your future encounters depend on it.

On their turn, each player takes one of 4 actions: explore, conquer, exploit or fight. When a resource reserve is exhausted, the game ends and the richest civilization is declared victorious.
Theme(s) Exploration
Language(s) French
Mechanism(s) Tiles
Author(s) Antoni Guillen
Artist Maud Chalmel. Henri Kermarrec
Overall score 4.6
Editor Nuts Publishing
EAN 3770009354813


Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Philiboyz

Les Philiboyz ont donné une note de 5/5 sur ce produit
  • Ce jeu a été joué et recommandé par Maxou, voici son avis :


    Youpi, un nouveau jeu de plateau familial + qui tient toutes ses promesses !
    Depuis quelques temps, je découvre de nombreux petits jeux d'apéro ou jeux de cartes qui sont très sympathiques.
    Mais bon sang, que c'est agréable d'avoir enfin un plateau central !

    Diluvium est un vrai jeu de plateau accessible qui nous propose une expérience 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate).
    Défi parfaitement réussi pour Diluvium: en rendant la stratégie légère avec des règles simples.

    Son design doux a conquis notre table de joueurs. A son tour, chaque joueur réalise une des 4 actions possibles.
    On retrouve dans sa mécanique de gros clins d'œil au jeu Scythe. L'auteur a trouvé un moyen de rendre ce système léger et malin.

    Ne nous voilons pas la face, ne vous attendez pas à la même profondeur qu'un jeu expert 4X,
    mais ça suffit pour passer un bon moment en moins d'une heure :-D

    1 personne a trouvé cet avis utile

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