Jeu du Loup is an educational board game based on the well-known song "Let's Walk in the Woods" in which children must do their gathering before the wolf is dressed.
From 3 years old
less than 30mn
1 to 4 player(s)
Les avis ludiques sur ce jeu
Note globale
*Moyenne pondérée calculée sur base de la moyenne générale de la boutique
From the back of the box: ``Quick, quick! ... In order to win you must gather all your items before the wolf has all its clothes on. The players take turn drawing from the bag, but be careful, if the wolf's head appears, you have to put an item of clothing on him! This fun game is suitable for players of 3 years and over because there are three versions of the game: all together, one against another or alone... But always against the Wolf.
The game comes with a board representing a forest, onto which six different kinds of items are spread: mushrooms, strawberries, snails, blackberries, flowers and butterflies. In addition, each player receives one leaf-shaped individual board that is uniformly green on one side (for using in cooperative mode), and covered with the shapes of five of the six items on the other side (used in competitive and individual modes). The wolf is drawn on a magnetic board and its five items of clothing (shoes, trousers, jacket, hat and umbrella) are magnetic too. In the bag, eight cardboard discs represent each of the six items that can be picked from the forest, plus the head of the wolf and a clover leaf.
The players draw in turn one disc from the bag. If the wolf's head is drawn, they put an item of clothing onto the wolf. If it is the clover leaf, they can take one item of clothing off the wolf or choose one item of their choice from the forest (competitive and individual mode) or two items from the forest (cooperative mode). Otherwise, they take the item represented on the disc from the forest. The disc is then put back in the bag and passed to the next player.
In competitive mode, the winner is the first player who manages to pick up all the items represented on his board. In cooperative mode, the players win if they manage to empty the forest before the wolf is fully clothed. In individual mode, the player wins if he manages to pick up all the items represented on his board. The game is lost in any mode if the wolf gets all its clothes on.
Overall score
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Les Bloggers ont donné une note de 4/5 sur ce produit
Ce jeu a été joué et recommandé par Bimbelot, voici son avis :
La grande force du « Le jeu du Loup » réside dans son gameplay car c’est un jeu qui se joue en mode coopératif (ramasser tous les jetons du plateau avant que le loup ne soit habillé) ou joueur contre joueur (comme un loto, on tire des jetons d’un pochon pour compléter sa planche « feuille »). Les règles sont très simples, permettant à un enfant de 2 ans de jouer (sous la surveillance d’un adulte car les jetons sont assez petits). On regrette 2 choses : le chevalet Loup qui ne tient pas très bien et qui tombe régulièrement et les jetons qui se mélangent mal dans le pochon. On adore : les variantes de jeu qui permettent de ne pas lasser les enfants.