Drax the Destroyer has but one purpose in life, to kill Thanos. In his adventures to assassinate the mad titan, Drax has saved the universe many times. He has joined the Guardians of the Galaxy, and he continues to fight to protect the innocent and continue his quest...
As the Supreme Public Prosecutor of the Kree Empire, Ronan serves to deliver Kree judgment and justice throughout the galaxy. Severe and uncompromising in his application of Kree law, Ronan has fought both with and against many groups. Ronan has proven to be a threat rightly feared by all who dare cross his path.
2 Miniatures
‣ 1 Drax
‣ 1 Ronan the Accuser
2 Bases
2 Character Stat Cards
2 Team Tactic Cards
1 Infinity Gem Card
10 Tokens
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