Infinity CodeOne is a streamlined version of the sci-fi wargame, keeping its spirit and all that players love about it, but adapting to the available playing space and with shorter matches.
Les avis ludiques sur ce jeu
Note globale
*Moyenne pondérée calculée sur base de la moyenne générale de la boutique
We are 180 years in the future. The star systems colonized by Humanity, collectively known as the Human Sphere, have been claimed by huge interstellar nations who trade secret blows in secret wars to control the delicate balance of power. But an alien threat from beyond threatens to change everything.
Infinity CodeOne is a tabletop wargame that uses 28mm metal miniatures to create skirmishes in a hi-tech sci-fi setting influenced by manga aesthetics; an exciting and action-packed vision of a near future where special operations determine the fate of humanity.
Infinity CodeOne offers non-stop challenges that will test all your tactical skills. To defeat your opponent, you will need to:
Take advantage of your environment,
use the abilities of your troops,
be creative,
use the many abilities of your troops,
exploit the weaknesses of your troops,
exploit the weaknesses of your enemies,
fulfill your mission parameters.
Overall score
Product Type
Corvus Belli
Krodams Ludik
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