Destined for playmakers, this new supplement for the Esteren shadows explores occultism. Who are the holders of this strange science? How are the occultists organized?
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Limited edition of occultism: black blanket, engraved, bumped and numbered copy. Destined to playmakers, this new supplement for the Esteren shadows explores occultism. Who are the holders of this strange science? How are the occultists organized? What are they looking for? Beyond the mystical powers of the Demorthèn and elected officials of the temple, is there another source of supernatural power? By exploring these questions, the characters will be confronted with mysteries that could call into question their beliefs! This supplement includes the book occultism, a pocket of gaming aids (indices cards, portraits of NPCs, plans) as well as the third album Collective Esteren: Rise.Contenu of the book: Occultism in Tri-Kazelce first chapter offers a complete panorama on occultism in tri-kazel. The leaders will find many details on the skills of the occultists, the prohibited arts of wizards or the mysterious powers of the mediums. New disciplines are proposed as well as additional rules for mental health. The circle of the emergence second chapter presents a typical occult organization: its procedures, its objectives and its key figures. That the circle of the emergence becomes the next employer of the characters or their deadly enemy, this organization is a valuable gaming aid for all the leaders wishing that occultism holds a place of choice in their campaign. A well-stavey room a young girl from a popular, lovely and loved neighborhood of all, disappears, the inhabitants are enamel. Research takes place, we rake the vague terrains, the alleys and dumps, we explore the sewers like the canals for several days, in vain ... "A tidy room" is a great scenario, written by iris, which will confront the characters Occult and supernatural. It also contains many gaming aids, including the full description of the weaver district, an ideal game frame for scenarios in an urban environment. Finally, two new creatures come close the book: Croquemitaine and Diwelank.
Fantastic, Medieval, Horror
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Agate RPG
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Denis C.
le 04/11/18
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