The Black Moon Manual is a work written by the occultist Slaìne and annotated by the Alienist Elyl Mac Bedwyr. Their points of view are greatly divergent about the nature of the strange phenomena observable in Tri-Kazel. This confrontation should offer arguments and methods of investigation, both paranormal enthusiasts and their detractors.
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"Dear reader, you who discover this book, wherever you are in tri-kazel, you hold the synthesis of what I learned about haunting, ghosts, spectra and shadows ..." The Moon manual Black is a work written by the occultist Steren Slaìne and annotated by the Alienist Elyl Mac Bedwyr. Their points of view are greatly divergent about the nature of the strange phenomena observable in Tri-Kazel. This confrontation should offer arguments and methods of investigative method, both paranormal enthusiasts and their detractors. Destinated to the players of play, this book can also be found by the characters during their adventures and be used by the players . It contains: phenomena of haunting in tri-kaze: this chapter offers a presentation on the forms of manifestation of the haunses and exorcism, to enrich and diversify the disturbing atmospheres, from the simply strange, to the supernatural spectacular.Figures: this Chapter presents five tri-kazeli figures each having a particular relationship with occult phenomena. Among them, Steren Slaìne, the narrator; But also Amy Dust Mèirleach, evaded Varigal of Clos-des-ash; Brother Arathos, a former sign become wizard; Keïr Mac Farquam, Knight and last descendant of a cursed line and Yzvael Mac Baellec, an assassin gnawed by madness.Canevas: four canvas embellished with game aids explore several situations around occult phenomena.bestiary: to close the book This chapter presents four creatures accompanied by legends and speculation. Each is likely to intervene in at least one of the canvas or in connection with one of the figures.
Fantastic, Medieval, Horror
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Les Clients ont donné une note de 4/5 sur ce produit
Maxime C.
le 08/02/18
Cet ouvrage n'est pas vraiment un supplément de contexte, ni un supplément de règles mais plutôt un supplément à part délivrant quelques secrets et des idées de scénarios à l'ambiance réussie. Sa thématique sur les fantômes et les phénomènes de hantise plaira aux joueurs qui cherchent l'aspect horrifique du monde. Esthétique, il reste un bel objet pour compléter la gamme, mais, trop classique par les informations qu'ils donnent, il n'est pas indispensable.
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