Cthulhu Hack - The Edge is a complete campaign pack set in Salem in the 1920s for the Cthulhu Hack role-playing game. It comes in a limited-edition hard case.
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In Cthulhu Hack, Players take on the role of Investigators of the Unknown: ordinary people with ordinary lives who, through curiosity, inheritance or circumstance, find themselves embroiled in stories of cosmic horror, such as those invented by H. P. Lovecraft (Cthulhu...) or S. T. Joshi.
In this pack, you'll find :
A hard case
Salem guide
Campaign book
The Leader's Pack
Salem Guide:
The book provides you with a framework for playing in the 1920s on around one hundred and fifty pages (color, hardcover, 172 pages). It reveals a dangerous cult present in the town and its impact on Salem and the surrounding area, then details Salem's neighborhoods, as well as local history, legends and links to the Cthulhu Mythos.
This guide does not contain any rules, but can also be used as a background book for other occult role-playing games set in Salem. There are two objectives of this crowdfunding to complete the guide: one adds 12 pages of scenario seeds, plots to be developed by the game leader, and the other adds typical characters by neighborhood, to brighten up the town and its surroundings.
Campaign book:
The book (color, hardcover, 172 pages) contains seven scenarios forming a campaign set in and around Salem. Its projected size is around one hundred and fifty full-color, hardcover pages.
The campaign revolves around a ritual performed by a cult of witches, whose origins date back to the famous Salem Village Witch Trials of 1692, which the investigators will try to prevent. Classic, yes, but there's a twist! So as not to spoil the players' surprise, this twist and the details of the campaign are indicated at the bottom of this page.
Note that the campaign book requires ownership of the Salem Guide (as well as a copy of the Cthulhu Hack rules if you wish to play with the Cthulhu Hack system).
Leader's Pack:
Contains the following items:
A large-format 3-panel hardback screen, containing summaries of the Cthulhu Hack rules and campaign-related elements.
At least 10 pages of pre-cut NPCs, so that the GM can give his players portraits of the characters they meet
Around 50 pages of game aids, purged of sensitive information about La Lisière, in a cardboard sleeve.
Five blank character booklets
Two A2 poster-sized maps of Salem in the 1920s
An 8-page booklet, Salem Tourist Guide
Horror, Contemporary
Overall score
Cthulhu Hack
Les XII Singes
Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Clients
Les Clients ont donné une note de 5/5 sur ce produit
bertrand h.
le 05/20/24
Excellente campagne. Parfaitement adaptable aux règles classiques de l'appel Cthulhu.
La trame générale est vraiment originale. Les livrets sont magnifiques. L'écriture est un réel plaisir. La description de Salem et ses environs permet de compléter le vide sur la région entre Arkham et Boston.
Quasiment parfait. Juste une petite critique; il manque un vrai sommaire pour le guide de Salem recensant les lieux pratiques et importants de la ville. Petite faiblesse que j'ai corrigée via un fichier Excel
Jouer cette campagne est devenu ma priorité.
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