For generations, the fertile Hiddenlands have been shared by the peoples of the five kingdoms.
Elves, Mages, Dwarves, Halflings and Humans lived in peace with each other, though they increasingly engaged in fierce competition for the prosperity and glory of their respective nations.
And so it was that when dissension threatened to shatter the millennial peace, the Goblins from across the sea unleashed a devastating surprise attack, and the peoples of the Hiddenlands could not unite quickly enough to repel them. The remnants of each of the kingdoms fled by boat, until they finally discovered a new, unoccupied land on which they could begin to rebuild their civilizations. The old rivalries would remain, of course, but perhaps this time competition between them would not be welcome. It was a time of hope, a time of exploration and construction, and a time of renewed competition in a new world they called Pandoria.
In Pandoria, players discover this new land by placing tiles, and they claim its territory and resources by placing their people. When a type of land is completely surrounded by other lands, each worker on the borders of that land gains its resources. Although more than one civilization will usually benefit, each player tries to gain more than the others. Gold mining gives you income to buy cards that have two options: buildings and spells. Acquiring wood allows you to build that side of the card for permanent benefits, while mining crystals gives you the power to use the card for its unique spell instead. Excess resources can be converted to Prestige Points, and some buildings can generate more. When the new land has been fully explored (all tiles have been placed), the player with the most prestige is declared the most powerful nation in Pandoria and wins the game!
The game includes a simplified version for beginners, as well as extended rules for the entire game that include asymmetric powers for players.
Economy, Fantastic
English, Dutch, German, French
Majority, Tiles, Placement
Jeffrey D. Allers, Bernd Eisenstein
Christian Opperer, Lukas Siegmon
Overall score
1 Game board
5 realm tableaux
10 custom cards (2 for each Realm)
44 common cards
13 monuments
4 point tiles
2 starting double tiles
48 double tiles
8 single tiles
8 castles (2 each in 4 colors)
1 starting player tile
16 markers (4 of each of wood, crystal, gold, points)
Les Bloggers ont donné une note de 4/5 sur ce produit
Ce jeu a été joué et recommandé par Vin d'Jeu, voici son avis :
Le jeu consistera comme bien souvent dans ce type de jeu à une construction: gagner des ressources pour gagner des pouvoirs et terminer par une bonne récolte de PVs. Pandoria n’est donc pas révolutionnaire ni spécialement beau mais il fait le taf. Ses possibilités de blocage lui donnent suffisamment de piment pour qu’il se détache de ses semblables.
Les Clients ont donné une note de 2/5 sur ce produit
Stéphane L.
le 10/25/19
Bon,les plateaux joueurs sont d'une laideur...ce n'est pas bien grâve en soi. Le jeu a de bonnes idées mais est pénible à jouer,on a tout le temps le nez dans les règles à cause de l'iconographie des cartes. Les règles sont pas super claires,notamment sur la région avec un "sentier". Tout cela donne un jeu très lourd à jouer. Il y a beaucoup mieux en jeu de tuiles.
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