Wrapped box - Intact game material - Damaged edge - Game in french
Pick Pic is played in several rounds. In each round, a picture is placed in front of each player, face up. Then, each player receives several photo cards and must assign one, face down, to each of his opponents: the assigned photo must match the image in front of that opponent as closely as possible.
But there's a catch: a card will be added at random! If the player guesses which pictures were assigned to him by the others, he and those players score points; however, if he decides that the randomly added card best represents his card, no one scores points. The first player to reach 20 points wins.
1. Reveal a card: Each player draws a card and places it face up in front of them.
2. Deal cards: each player draws a few cards (depending on the number of players) and looks at them secretly.
3. Each player must look carefully at the other players' open cards, and find a commonality between the cards he or she is holding and those in front of the players.
4. Once they have finished finding commonality, they must hand over, face down, a card from their hand to each other player.
5. Ranking the cards: When all players have received exactly one card from each of the other players, they must draw a random card from the deck and shuffle it into their pile of cards without revealing it.
6. Each player may look at the cards in front of them. They must rank them face up, placing the card that has the most in common with the first picture in first position, and so on.
7. Scoring: Players will score points based on the ranking of their cards.
8. End: The game ends when one or more players reach 20 points, otherwise they start another round.