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Sword & Sorcery : Sigrid/Sigurd Hero Pack


the world of Sword & Sorcery always needs new heroes! With Sword & Sorcery - Sigrid/Sigurd (Thane/Skald) Hero Pack, you now have the possibility to introduce two new, powerful characters into your campaign.
  • English
  • From 12 years old
  • 1 to 2h
  • 1 to 5 player(s)

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27,95 €


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The rage of Sigurd and Sigrid, legends of the Northern Lands, is ready to be unleashed! Bards still play songs reminding the world of their epic deeds, such as the defeat of the Snow Gremlins or the destruction of the Frost Giants' citadel! Sigurd and Sigrid can be played as either a Thane or a Skald.
  • As a Thane, your Hero is a warrior of exceptional strength and constitution who draws upon mystical powers to forge and throw lightning and flaming hammers at their enemies. But they can also be a faithful guardian of the party, able to protect their fellow adventurers.
  • As a Skald, your Hero is strong, fast, and valiant as few others. They are also able to inspire and lead their comrades with war-chants and mystical lyrics, as well as terrorize their foes with the powerful echo of the Gjallarhorn.
This Special Hero Pack features two complete, playable new Heroes: six miniatures and everything you need to play them – cards, tokens, Soul Gems, Hero sheets and rules. Each character is included in their normal version, their Ghost Soul form version, and as their own Nemesis – the dark side of the Hero!
Language(s) English
Overall score 4.6
Editor Ares Games
EAN 8054181514902

Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Clients

Les Clients ont donné une note de 5/5 sur ce produit
  • le 02/08/24 Achat vérifié

    Super couple très inspiré de Thor et des Valkyries, pour avoir plus de choix de guerriers pour vos parties. Même si les cartes sont en anglais, ça ne dérange pas trop de les utiliser avec Sword & Sorcery : Les Âmes Immortelles. À noter que leur némésis peut aussi être utilisé dans celui-ci (mais peut-être pas dans vos premières parties). Au passage, pour les peintres, vu qu'il y a 3 figurines pour chaque personnage, il est possible de peindre les 2 versions du personnage de base (la version loyale pour la grise, la version chaotique pour la rouge et la version fantôme pour la bleu ciel).

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