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Trivial Pursuit Famille


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Trivial Pursuit Family is a version of the famous knowledge game adapted to all members of the family. In this family edition, children will be able to challenge parents on a pleiade of new questions.
  • French
  • From 8 years old
  • less than 30mn
  • 3 to 10 player(s)

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45,50 €


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A knowledge game for the whole family in this new family edition of Trivial Pursuit, the famous knowledge game, the children will be able to challenge parents on a multitude of new questions! The principle of the game remains unchanged: the players aim to answer To questions to advance on the game tray. In case of a good answer in a "triangle" area the player wins the corresponding color marker. The first player to fill his "Camembert" of six different markers wins the party. Thanks to his 1,200 questions specially adapted to children and its 200 questions designed for parents, this version is ideal for family games. Every player can please take pleasure by answering questions matching his level of difficulty. When all players have chosen their Camembert and that children's cards and adult cards are properly placed on the table, the Party can then start.Thank the die to determine who begins. The highest value begins. In your turn, launch the die and move your Camembert according to the value indicated on the die. You can move in any way but you do not have the right to reverse in the same displacement. If you stop on a "Triangle" box, the player to your left ask you a question falling within the Category corresponding to the box.If The answer is good, you win the triangle you will need to place in your Camembert. If the answer is bad, the triangle will be for another time. In both cases, your turn is finished.The player on your left starts his turn and launches the delay. The game continues until a player wins 6 different triangles.When a player has a player has a player. Camembert full, the game does not stop. To win the game, it will have to return to the central box by getting the exact value with the die. When it succeeds, he will have to answer one last question, carefully chosen by the other players. In case of a good answer, the player wins the game. Otherwise, he will have to sound his luck according to the same process.
Theme(s) Abstract
Language(s) French
Mechanism(s) Knowledge
Overall score 4.2
Editor Hasbro
EAN 5010993514144

Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Clients

Les Clients ont donné une note de 3/5 sur ce produit
  • le 02/18/17 Achat vérifié

    Bonne version de Trivial Pursuit pour permettre à toutes les générations de jouer ensemble (c'est déjà appréciable !). En revanche, cela reste un trivial pursuit... donc un jeu assez statique de questions/réponses. Bon matériel de jeu.
    1 personne a trouvé cet avis utile

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  • Ma Ludothèque

    par Anaëlle

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    (1 avis positif)

  • Ma Ludothèque

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