
Strange World Above the Clouds


In Strange World Above the Clouds, get the most stars by creating a world of 16 cards, while watching out for the Tzimimes who may devour them.

  • French, English
  • From 10 years old
  • less than 30mn
  • 1 to 4 player(s)

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  • Philiboyz (1)

13,50 €

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Create your own strange world above the clouds!

Each person has a playing area in front of them. It's forbidden to play cards in an opponent's play area.

Each turn, draw 3 cards, then lay your cards alternately, one at a time in your world, orthogonally adjacent to a card already laid in your playing area. Several types of terrain have laying constraints.

In the event of non-compliance, the card played is placed face-down, with Tzimimes face-up, and yields no Stars at the end of the game. Other terrains have restrictive pose effects. Some cards add vertical and horizontal scoring.

In Strange World Above the Clouds, you have to make the best of the worst. Indeed, with a very "tight" 3-card draft, your playing partners are bound to give you cards that are difficult to place in your playing area. But from this constrained optimization comes the pleasure of the game.


  •     93 cards
  •     1 score book
  •     1 score booklet
  •     1 rule
Theme(s) Fantastic
Language(s) FrenchEnglish
Mechanism(s) DraftCards
Author(s) Florian Grenier
Artist Valériane Holley
Overall score 4.4
Editor Grrre Games
EAN 3760290560505

Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Philiboyz

Les Philiboyz ont donné une note de 4/5 sur ce produit
  • Ce jeu a été joué et recommandé par Maxime, voici son avis :


    Dans Strange World Above the Clouds, vous allez devoir construire un tableau de 4x4 cartes, en tentant d'avoir le paysage le plus harmonieux.

    À son tour, on draft au total 3 cartes. Ensuite, on tente d'agencer ses 3 cartes pour gagner un maximum de points. Les marécages doivent être uniques dans chaque ligne, les lacs ne doivent pas être côte à côte, les montagnes doivent se suivre, etc.

    Le système fonctionne à la perfection, les tours s'enchaînent, et le plaisir est là.

    Un univers original, très bariolé, que l'on prend plaisir à découvrir et à jouer.

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