


Wolfpack is a tactical-historical game depicting the struggles between German Wolfpack submarines and Allied merchant convoys during the Second World War. Wolfpack takes place in the North Atlantic from late 1941 to early 1943.

  • English
  • from 13 years
  • 4h and more
  • 1 to 4 player(s)

78,95 €

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Wolfpack is a 1-4 player solitaire/team game. When playing solo, the player will command 2 - 4 submarines. In a team game, players will command 1 - 2 submarines depending on the number of players. The convoy merchant ships and escorts will be controlled by an AI system. In Wolfpack, players will assume the role of a German WWII submarine commander. Players will need to work together to achieve victory.

In a game of Wolfpack, players will start by approaching the Allied merchant ship convoy while trying to make it through the escort's screen undetected. If successful, your submarine will make an attack run on the convoy. As the commander, you will make many decisions like maneuvering your submarine to the best firing angle while making TDC (torpedo data computer) calculations for each of your torpedos, trying to achieve your best shot. You will issue orders to your crew to deal with any damage that your submarine may have sustained. Should we run silent? Do we press the attack? The decisions are up to you. Do all of this while trying to sink as much allied merchant ship tonnage as possible and avoid being detected and sent to the bottom by the allied escort ships.

Theme(s) War
Language(s) English
Mechanism(s) Wargame
Author(s) Mike Bertucelli
Editor GMT
EAN 817054012817

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