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Serpentina is for you if you are looking for a simple and colorful game for the little ones. A nice game to learn to master the association of shapes and colors.
  • French
  • From 4 years old
  • less than 30mn
  • 2 to 5 player(s)

Les avis ludiques sur ce jeu

10,95 €


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The players try to form snakes, which are as long as possible. A snake always consists of a head-section, at least one middle-section and a tail-section. The player who has formed the most and longest snakes wins.

The cards are shuffled and placed face down fan-like on the table. One card is drawn from the "fan" and is placed face-up in the middle of the table. In turn, each player draws a card from the "fan" and tries to match the color with a card in the middle of the table. The card can be turned around to match. If the colors of the two cards match, a snake is started.

If a player draws a card which cannot be placed next to a card or a snake in the middle of the table, this card is then placed on its own in the middle of the table. A card which is drawn from the "fan" can be placed next to a snake to lengthen the snake. A snake can be made longer on both sides. If a head or a tail was already added to the snake, the snake cannot be made longer on that side where the head or tail was placed. A snake without a head or a tail is an incomplete snake. Incomplete snakes remain in the middle of the table until they can be made complete and claimed.

A complete snake consists of a head-section, a tail-section and at least one middle-section. A complete snake does not need to have all colors. The player who is able to complete a snake by laying down a head or a tail with the matching color next to the "open" side of the snake may pick up the snake from the center of the table and place it directly in front of him.

The head and the tail with the rainbow colours are jokers. They may be placed next to every middle-section of a snake.

If several incomplete snakes exist in the middle of the table, a player who draws a matching card from the "fan" can combine two incomplete snakes. The player picks up the combined snake and places it directly in front of him. The player is only allowed to combine two incomplete snakes if he uses the card which he just drew from the "fan."

The game ends when the last card is drawn from the "fan." If the player with the last card is able to complete a snake, he is allowed to pick up the snake and place it directly in front of him. Now the cards in front of every player are counted. The player who has the most cards wins. If two or more players have the same number of cards the player with the longest snake wins.
Theme(s) Animals
Language(s) French
Mechanism(s) Cards
Author(s) Brigitte Pokornik
Artist Oliver FreudenreichUschi Heusel
Overall score 4.7
Editor Gigamic
EAN 3421272423026
  • 50 illustrated tiles
  • Rulebook



French rulebook


La Vidéorègle

Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Bloggers

Les Bloggers ont donné une note de 4/5 sur ce produit
  • Ce jeu a été joué et recommandé par Plateau Marmots, voici son avis :

    Serpentina est conseillé à partir de 4 ans, mais on peut sans souci permettre à des enfants de 3 ans de manipuler les cartes (vraiment solides) et de s’approprier les couleurs. Le jeu plait aux petits pour son aspect coloré, et pour la taille parfois démesurée que peuvent prendre certains serpents. Les plus grands, eux, seront un peu moins réceptifs après quelques parties de ce domino fort plaisant mais simpliste. Cependant, difficile de ne pas craquer pour Serpentina, un petit jeu fort sympathique facile à transporter et à sortir en toute occasion, que ce soit à l’heure du goûter ou à la fin d’un repas familial qui traîne un peu en longueur. Il permet de canaliser de 2 à 5 joueurs sur un coin de table ou sur le tapis, et d’initier les marmots aux associations par couleurs. Une vraie réussite.
    2 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile

Ce jeu est conseillé par 6 de nos Clients

Les Clients ont donné une note de 4.8/5 sur ce produit
  • le 11/27/19 Achat vérifié

    Très bon jeu. Amusant. Je le recommande !
  • le 11/30/17 Achat vérifié

    mes élèves de petite section adorent !!! ceux de moyenne section commencent à comprendre que l'on peut relier 2 serpents incomplets pour n'en faire qu'un... jeu évolutif et très sympa.
  • le 10/10/17 Achat vérifié

    Petit jeu rapide et sympa. Très simple. Beaucoup de hasard mais pour cet âge ce n'est pas grave.
  • le 05/10/17 Achat vérifié

    Super petit jeu à emporter partout. Très bien dès 3 ans.

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This game appears in the Tops Games of our players

  • Mes jeux préférés avec les enfants

    par Kropitch44

    (4 avis positifs)

  • Top 25 ! Jeux des petits!

    par Gerardx2

    (2 avis positifs)

  • Top Jeux enfants

    (1 avis positif)

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