
Dorfromantik - Bargain


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Wrapped box - Intact game material - A sunken corner - Game in french
  • French
  • From 8 years old
  • 30mn to 1h
  • 1 to 6 player(s)

35,91 €

39,90 €


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Wrapped box - Intact game material - A sunken corner - Game in french

Rippling rivers, rustling forests, fields of wheat swaying in the wind and, here and there, a cute little village: that's Dorfromantik!

The video game from the small development studio Toukana Interactive has been exciting the gaming community since its early access in March 2021 and has already won all sorts of prestigious awards. Now, Michael Palm and Lukas Zach are turning the popular building strategy and puzzle game into a family game for young and old with Dorfromantik - The Boardgame.

In Dorfromantik - The Boardgame, up to six players work together to lay hexagonal tiles to create a beautiful landscape and try to fulfill the commands of the population, while laying as long a track and river as possible, but also taking into account the flags that give points in closed areas. The more successful the players are, the more points they can score at the end.

During the replayable campaign, the points earned can be used to unlock new tiles that are hidden in initially locked boxes. These pose new additional tasks for players and allow the score to increase higher and higher.
Language(s) French
Mechanism(s) PlacementTiles
Author(s) Michael PalmLukas Zach
Artist Paul Riebe
Overall score 4.9
Editor Gigamic
EAN 2199000139372

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