Insert compatible with Praga Caput Regni®. The design provides both efficient storage and improved game play. Many of the trays can be utilised during the game, and they greatly aid set-up and clear-away times.
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*Moyenne pondérée calculée sur base de la moyenne générale de la boutique
When packing the box first place the main game board on top of the insert trays, taking care to have the wheel face up.
Next place the player boards face down on top of the board with the dials arranged around the wheel on the main board as shown. Next place the end pieces from the hunger wall and cathedral next to the player boards, and then the four action boards on top. Lastly add the rule book and reference sheets.
This fully fills the box and allows for vertical storage of the game.
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Les Clients ont donné une note de 4.5/5 sur ce produit
Frédéric L.
le 09/09/21
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Yohann C.
le 07/04/21
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Il a besoin de point de colle pour rester assemblé solidement mais, une fois effectué, il fait gagner un temps considérable et évite une tonne de sachets plastiques. Vraiment bien.
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