Cosmic Conflict is the second extension for the Cosmic encounter game, containing 20 new aliens breeds! Cosmic Encounter is a great classic of the set of space on space.
Les avis ludiques sur ce jeu
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Cosmic Conflict also makes the Cosmos even bigger, adding another player (and attractive black components) to the game. Cosmic Quakes will shake things up, ensuring that no player’s hand is truly safe. And as if that wasn’t enough, Cosmic Conflict introduces a new variant to the game – the hazard deck, which confronts the players with dangerous and amusing events that can crop up at any time.
Hazards are special game-altering conditions that bring exciting effects to your Cosmic Encounter experience. Special destiny cards, drawn during the destiny phase, display a “hazard warning” in the upper left corner; this indicates that a hazard card should be drawn.
Consisting of two types (temporary and permanent), these cards have a variety of wild effects. The Energy Fields hazard card, for example, lets each main player draw two free cards... but they must show them to the group first. And the optional “Extremely Hazardous Variant” will take you on a wild ride; it brings a new hazard card into play every turn!
Expansion for
Cosmic Encounter
Overall score
Fantasy Flight Games (US)
Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Clients
Les Clients ont donné une note de 5/5 sur ce produit
Jules D.
le 05/30/18
Achat vérifié
Rencontre cosmique est un de ces rares jeux où l'on peut affirmer que plus c'est mieux. Du coup, chaque extension vaut le détour.
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