
Fallout : Wasteland Warfare - L.A. Tales (Amazon TV Show Tie-In)


Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - L.A. Tales (Amazon TV Show Tie-In) includes 4 resin figures to assemble and paint.

  • English

33,95 €

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No matter where you go in the Wasteland, even in the most remote places, you can find famous people writing their stories in the most dire of circumstances.

Whether it's an innocent Vault dweller, a ruthless bounty hunter, a loyal Brotherhood soldier or even a good dog, there are always stories to be told in the Wasteland.

This box contains :

  •     1x Lucy
  •     1x La Goule
  •     1x Maximus
  •     1x CX404
  •     3x Scenic base 30mm
  •     1x Scenic base 40mm
  •     1x Instruction booklet
  •     Includes building information and rules for Fallout: Factions and Fallout: Wasteland Warfare

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - L.A. Tales (Amazon TV Show Tie-In) includes three high-quality multi-part 32mm-scale resin figures with 30mm scenic base, and one high-quality multi-part 32mm-scale resin figure with 40mm scenic base, plus instruction booklet.

Language(s) English
Theme Post-Apo
Size 28-35mm
Product Type Miniatures
Editor Modiphius
EAN 5060523347865

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