
Discovery : Le Jeu de l'Évolution - Préhistoire


In Discovery: Le Jeu de l'Évolution - Prehistory, relive the extraordinary adventure of humanity by tracing the major stages of its evolution.

  • French
  • From 6 years old
  • less than 30mn
  • 1 to 9 player(s)

14,95 €


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Discovery is a card game in which you will retrace the major steps in the evolution of humanity

Each card represents an innovation or major breakthrough in our history. Each one builds on previous discoveries, called prerequisites, and paves the way for new discoveries. During a game, players will build together the Discovery ""Tech Tree"" by each placing cards in turns. Discovery allows you, with a same deck of cards, to play several different types of games (from beginner level to expert). Depending on the type of game, the goal can be either to be the first to empty your hand (games with no points), or to collect the maxim number of points (you earn points each time you place a card).
Theme(s) Prehistory
Language(s) French
Mechanism(s) KnowledgeCardsLogic
Author(s) Fabrizio Nastri
Editor Discovery
EAN 9782490265053

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