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Warhammer - The Old World : Arcane Journal - Kingdom of Bretonnia


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Explore the traditions and beliefs of the noble Kingdom of Bretonnia with the book Arcane Journal - Kingdom of Bretonnia.

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Bretonnia is one of the great realms of the Old World, and its vast armies counted amongst the most powerful of all the nations of mankind.

This supplement takes an in-depth look at the Kingdom of Bretonnia, exploring the traditions and beliefs of this realm of chivalrous knights and humble peasants. Used in conjunction with Warhammer: the Old World – Forces of Fantasy, this book provides additional rules and content, allowing you to use your collection of bold Bretonnian heroes in new and exciting ways. 

Within this 48-page supplement book, you will find: 
  • Chivalry & Heraldry: A comprehensive look at the tenets and rules of the Code Chivalric, together with an explanation of the rules of heraldry, lavishly illustrated with colour examples. 
  • War in the Border Princes: A detailed retelling of the Bretonnians’ bold efforts to defend the Border Princes from evil invaders, culminating in an exciting narrative scenario to decide the fate of the town of Matorea. 
  • Heroes of Legend: Background and rules for three famous characters: The Green Knight; Sir Cecile Gastonne, the Wyrm Slayer; and Lady Élisse Duchaard, Prophetess of Brionne. 
  • Armies of Infamy: Rules to field two unique Bretonnian Armies of Infamy: Bretonnian Exiles and Errantry Crusades. 

This is an expansion to Warhammer: The Old World – you'll need copies of the Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook and Warhammer: The Old World – Forces of Fantasy books, both available separately, to use the contents of this book.
Theme Futuriste/SF
Product Type Game sets
Country of origin United Kingdom
Editor Games workshop
EAN 5011921236343

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