The Lordship of Borth is a small, peaceful, rural barony lost at the end of nowhere. Yet beneath its picturesque image, the lordship conceals a particularly bumpy past...
La Seigneurie de Borth is a French RPG scenario (5E compatible), a bucolic sandbox that your players can explore at will or in which you can develop your own campaign.
Discover the region, its past and its places of importance through 14 location sheets, 1 item sheet and 2 NPC sheets.
On the front of the location sheets, a sublime A3 illustration highlights the place, while the back reveals its secrets through the illustrated notes of a commissioned investigator. You'll also find a fact sheet summarising all the intrigues shaking the region.
So get off the main roads and take the back roads that lead to Borth. But don't stay there too long. It seems that time flies faster than nature here, and so do memories.
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