In churches, convents, and other religious communities, sisterhood takes many forms, forged and tested by threats as mundane as disease and despair, but also by terrors both spiritual and cosmic - the subtle minions of Satan and the cosmic nightmare of the Outer Gods.
Call Of Cthulhu Novel - Sisterhood: Dark Tales and Secret Histories presents sixteen stories written by some of the greatest women in the horror world. They take place around the world and across the centuries, from 14th-century Spain to 17th-century Virginia to modern-day England.
Contributors include award-winning and critically acclaimed authors Nadia Bulkin, Livia Llewellyn, Molly Tanzer, Sun Yung Shin, Gemma Files, Kaaron Warren, Damien Angelica Walters and Selena Chambers. Original cover art by Liv Rainey-Smith.
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