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Histodingo Moyen-Age


Histodingo Moyen-Age brings together several mini-games to learn the history of the Middle Ages in a chronological and thematic way.
  • French
  • From 8 years old
  • 2 to 8 player(s)

13,95 €


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Histodingo Moyen-Age

brings together several mini-games to learn the history of the Middle Ages in a chronological and thematic way.

What does crusade mean? Who are the Carolingian kings, Capetians or Merovingians? What is the difference between the Franks and the French? All these questions have their answers in this game for parents and teachers for primary (CE2-CM1-CM2) and middle school (5e) students.

-Take a taste of history.
-Build your first major landmarks in the history of France and Europe.
-Discover the medieval period from several aspects (cultural, human, military, political power).
-Locate a fact on a timeline and in a historical context.

This game consists of 8 different families of 7 cards (People and dynasties/Inventions and techniques/Culture and Leisure/Architecture/Personalities/Wars/Wars/Armaments/Events). The 56 cards in the game consist of a title, dates (date periods), an original illustration and a riddle. The cards are classified into 4 levels of progression.

Theme(s) Middle AgeMedieval
Language(s) French
Author(s) François Guély, Valery Fourcade
Artist Tom Prothière, Sébastien Azzi
Editor Cocktail games

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