Sonodingo is an evolving game with 5 different levels to learn phonetics in a fun way. Composed of 102 word cards, this game includes simple and traditional games such as mistigri, rummy or battle.
From 5 years old
less than 30mn
2 to 8 player(s)
Les avis ludiques sur ce jeu
Note globale
*Moyenne pondérée calculée sur base de la moyenne générale de la boutique
Simple, traditional games such as poker, rummy or battleships provide a fun approach to phonology.
An important step in establishing phonological awareness and in beginning to learn to read, Sonodingo can be used from kindergarten onwards to learn phonetic syllables. It can also be used in Grades 1 and 2 by spelling the words corresponding to the phonetic syllables in order to teach various spellings for the same phonetic syllable.
A clever checking method helps the children to auto-correct their work. Parents and teachers alike will appreciate Sonodingo’s attractive illustrations and low price.