
Changelin : Le Songe - Personnages Prétirés


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Changelin: Preloved Characters is a supplement for your games of Changelin: Le Songe.
  • French

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You're running a single-episode game of Changeling: the dreaming, 20th anniversary edition ?

Launching a chronicle with a new table that doesn't quite know what to play? Trying to figure out what characters from different characters from different kiths? Changeling:  Prétirés Characters offers thirteen ready-to-play characters from the kiths detailed in Changelin: le Songe. They all have their own backstories and suggestions for interpretation. They can be part of several of the Bands described here and take part in plots briefly developed at the end of the of the book. In short, everything you need to immerse yourself in the Dream! 

Requires the core book.
Theme(s) Fantastic
Language(s) French
Author(s) Abigail CorfmanMatthew McFarland
Artist Aaron J. Riley
Number of pages 69
Book cover Hardcover
Editor Arkhane Asylum Publishing
EAN 9782372552288

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