
Enigmes - Antiquité


With Enigmes - Antiquité , try to be the fastest to guess the famous people, the emblematic monuments and the must-see of the ancient world
  • French
  • From 9 years old
  • less than 30mn
  • 2 to 6 player(s)

11,50 €


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Show your skill by throwing the token on the board to try to win more Riddles - Antiquity cards!

The first player to collect 6 cards wins the game!

So, who will be the fastest to guess the words? Find out by playing Riddles - Antiquity!

How to play the game?

The cards are placed in a pile in the center of the table to form the deck. The board is placed in the open game box.

Players take turns drawing a card and looking at the face-down card without showing it to their opponents. They announce the theme of the card (e.g. Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, famous people...) and then begin to state the clues one after the other.

The other players try to guess the word as quickly as possible. As soon as one of them thinks he has found it, he says it out loud.

Did the player guess the word on a light blue card correctly?

He wins the card!

The player has guessed the word on a dark blue card? Then he must use his skill and try to hit one of the areas on the board with the wooden token. He then applies the effect of the area reached by the token (e.g.: spell the word he has just found, quote the 3 previous cards played...) and can win (or not) more Riddles - Antiquity cards!


Discover the famous people, the emblematic monuments and many surprising information through the 80 words to guess on the front/back cards. Each Riddles - Antiquity card is illustrated with a cartoon!

Can you guess the ancient Egyptian relic you are looking for with the help of the clues below?

1 - I appear about 2,000 years before Christ.

2 - I come from a plant that has the same name as me.

3 - Before my invention, people wrote on wooden or clay tablets.

4 - The scribes wrote hieroglyphics on me.

5 - I am the ancestor of paper.

Did you find the right answer? Bravo, it's the Papyrus!

Playing Enigmas - Antiquity is also an eco-responsible choice because :

  •     it is printed with vegetable-based inks,
  •     the paper and cardboard used in this game are FSC certified,
  •     its format has been optimized so as not to use unnecessary materials,
  •     Enigmas - Antiquity does not contain batteries,
  •     its box is closed with a sticker, which avoids the use of plastic packaging.
Theme(s) Antiquity
Language(s) French
Mechanism(s) CardsKnowledge
Editor Bioviva Editions
EAN 3569160400251

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