
Tiny Library 2


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Tiny Library 2: Modern Fantasy is a deck of 51 RPG fragments from dozens of different creators.

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Tiny Library 2: Modern Fantasy is a deck of 51 RPG fragments from dozens of different creators. Each fragment fits on a single playing card and is a unique design representing a distinct vision. It's part of the same series as the original Tiny Library and Tiny Tome. Players will... build a mystic subway network carpe noctem before the final sunrise glimpse horrors beyond mortal understanding and so, so much more.

Overall score 4.6
Editor Long Tail Games
EAN 9369900043335

Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Clients

Les Clients ont donné une note de 5/5 sur ce produit
  • le 09/04/24


    Excellentes cartes, plein d'idées interessantes dedans mais je ne le mettrait pas dans la catégorie accessoire, c'est un vrai jeu de roles.

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