Re-play the battle of Minden in 1759, with very evocative counters and map
Minden 1759, the first game in the "SYWBS" series, simulates the battle fought on the 1st of August 1759 in Westphalia during the Seven Years War. Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick commanded the Allied Army made up of troops from Britain, Hanover, Hesse, Brunswick and Prussia: 42,000 men (48 bns, 65 sqns) and 105 guns. Marquis Louis de Contades commanded the French Army: 57,000 men (84 bns, 85 sqns) with 90 guns.
The games from the "SYW Battle System" (SYWBS) are highly playable grand-tactical portrayals of battles of the Seven Years
The series’intent is to show how command operates on the battlefields, using the weapons and tactics of the period. The system emphasizes command & control and high playability.
The games all share the following characteristics: Scale = 200-220 m/hex (219-240 yrd/hex) Time = 30 min/Turn (60 min/Hourly phase) Counter = 1 Brigade, 1 Battalion, 1 to 3 Squadrons, 1 Battery. 1 Strength point = 100 men approximately.
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