Custodian Wardens are known amongst their comrades as level-headed and endlessly patient watchmen. Upon accepting the robes that mark their station they swear binding oaths to fight as immovable sentinels, a living fortress of auramite and sinew that no foe will ever breach. Each Warden’s oaths are personal, written by the Custodian himself after a full year’s contemplation in meditation upon the precipitous ledges of the Gallowtower. To break these vows would be worse than death to these warriors, and their determination to uphold them bolsters their already formidable wills to something of truly frightening intensity.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a squad of 5 Custodian Wardens. Easily recognised by the ceremonial robes they wear over their auramite armour, they’re typically splendid to behold – as with all Adeptus Custodes, every surface of their armour is absolutely covered in beautiful sculpted details, with gemstones, eagles, lightning bolts and filigree wherever you look. Each is armed with a choice of either guardian spear or castellan axe, with 5 of each supplied in the kit. The helmets, helmet plumes and thigh plates in the kit are interchangeable, allowing your Wardens to be unique.
The kit can optionally build a Shield-Captain, who has a choice of 2 bare heads, a unique chest plate, unique shoulder pads and his own set of ceremonial robes – he is armed with the choice of castellan axe and guardian spear, and holds a misericordia. As well as this, 1 model can be assembled as a Vexilus Praetor – along with the standard weapon choices he carries a splendid ornate Vexilla.
This kit comes as 78 components, and is supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases.
Overall score | 4.6 | |
Country of origin | United Kingdom | |
Editor | Games workshop | |
EAN | 5011921172054 |
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