Age of Sigmar : Gloomspite Gitz - Snarlboss and Wolfgit Retinue
30,95 €
Three plastic miniatures for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Relatively brave and hard-hitting cavalry units.
30,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Gloomspite Gitz - Snarlboss on War-Wheela
72,00 €
A plastic character for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. A robust heavy chariot pulling along a powerful Hero for your Gloomspite Gitz army. Armed with scythes and pots of blazing loond...
72,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Gloomspite Gitz - Doom Diver Catapult
76,50 €
A plastic miniature for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Launches grots high into the air as living bombs. Offers heavy firepower to bolster your Gitmobs.
76,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Gloomspite Gitz - Sunsteala Wheelas
65,50 €
Two plastic miniatures for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Simple chariots that are built for speed, and are more than capable of wreaking havoc. Cut down your enemies with massive scy...
65,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Gloomspite Gitz - Snarlpack Cavalry
42,95 €
Three plastic miniatures for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. An aggressive, tough, and hard-hitting unit that offers new tactical options. Riders impale enemies with pointy skewas as m...
42,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Gloomspite Gitz Dice
21,95 €
A set of 16 Gloomspite Gitz-themed dice for Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
21,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Destruction Battletome - Gloomspite Gitz
42,95 €
An essential guide to collecting and playing Gloomspite Gitz armies in the Mortal Realms. A 122-page rules supplement for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Includes inspirational backgro...
42,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar - Gotrek and Maleneth : The Omnibus
19,00 €
A doom-seeking Warhammer Age of Sigmar omnibus. Gotrek Gurnisson slays his way across the Mortal Realms. Includes three novels, a novella, and four short stories.
19,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Daughters of Khaine - Maleneth Witchblade
30,95 €
A plastic Commemorative Series miniature. Unleash a deadly Daughters of Khaine assassin upon your foes. Accomplice to Gotrek Gurnisson as he travels the Mortal Realms.
30,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Set de 6 Gabarits d'Objectifs AOS
23,95 €
Generic target templates compatinble with Age of Sigmar v4 !
23,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Battlemat - Age of Sigmar - Fer de Lance - Inspiration Jade
24,95 €
This battleMat is ideal for your clashes on Age of Sigmar Spear head mode.
24,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Warhammer Underworlds : Borgit's Beastgrabbaz
31,50 €
Five plastic miniatures for Warhammer Underworlds. A complete Flex-style warband. Use brutal cunning to claim glory in the mines beneath Embergard. Includes fighter cards and wa...
31,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Orruks Warclans - Dice Set
21,95 €
A set of 16 destructive dice for your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Serve up some proper brutal and kunnin’ rolls on the tabletop. Cast in green acrylic plastic with yellow ...
21,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Gloomspite Gits - Gitmob Army Set
161,95 €
Contains nine brand new plastic miniatures for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Ride for victory with the Gloomspite Gits.
161,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Gotrek Gurnisson
31,50 €
A fearsome Hero of Order perfect for killing monsters. Comes with options for gaming and display bases.
31,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Bossrokk Tower
46,50 €
Faction Terrain specific to the Orruk Warclans. Builds one Bossrokk Tower for Ironjawz armies. Can alternatively be built as a Skaregob Totem for Kruleboyz forces.
46,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Orruk Warclans - Manifestations
39,95 €
Endless spells brought to life for the Orruk Warclans. Harness the strange powers of the Great Green God. Can be used by both Ironjawz and Kruleboyz forces.
39,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Hobgrot Slittaboss
25,50 €
An imposing and canny leader for your Kruleboyz forces. Armed with a deadly toxin-smeared blade and clad in tough armour. Includes two head options one helmeted and one bare.
25,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Warscroll Cards - Orruk Warclans
23,50 €
A handy set of reference cards for unleashing the brutal Orruk Warclans. The fastest way to find your important information. Includes a set of Ironjawz Bigmob Spearhead cards, o...
23,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Battletome - Orruk Warclans
42,95 €
An essential guide to collecting and playing Orruk Warclans armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Includes inspirational background material, warscrolls, and the rules you need to ...
42,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Path to Glory - Ravaged Coast
42,95 €
A narrative Path to Glory expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Includes background, lore, and rules for running your own narrative campaigns. Also features four new Regiments ...
42,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Spearhead - Orruk Warclans – Ironjawz Bigmob
103,50 €
Lead a force of brutal Ironjawz across the Mortal Realms in search of a proper scrap. Start a new army or expand an existing collection, and save money compared to buying the ki...
103,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Warhammer 40.000 : Warhammer Heroes: - Stormcast Eternals
6,95 €
Each blind box contains 1 random miniature, an assembly guide and a collectors card.
6,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Order - Stormcast Eternals - Vanguard-Hunters
49,50 €
This plastic kit includes everything you need to assemble 10 Vanguard-Hunters.
49,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar - Scenery- Skull Altar
49,20 €
Enhance the might of your Slaughterpriests. Add to any Khorne army at no matched play points cost. Give your collection a grisly centrepiece.
49,20 €
Vendu par Philibert
W40K / Age of Sigmar - Feculent Gnarlmaw
41,00 €
A sinister tree from the garden of Nurgle. Use as a scenery piece which boosts your Nurgle models’ abilities. Can be used Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
41,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Chaos Battletome - Slaves to Darkness
42,95 €
An essential guide to collecting and playing Slaves to Darkness armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Includes inspirational background material, 43 warscrolls, plus the rules you ...
42,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Spearhead - Slaves to Darkness – Darkoath Raiders
103,50 €
A complete Spearhead force of 26 multipart plastic miniatures. Start a new army or expand an existing collection, and save money compared to buying the kits individually. March ...
103,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Slaves to Darkness - Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen
78,95 €
A mighty mounted Warrior of Chaos to lead your Slaves to Darkness army. Wields Gorbolga, a gift from Archaon, infused with mutative energy. Rides atop the Thanatorg, a terrifyin...
78,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Slaves to Darkness - Chaos Sorcerer Lord
28,50 €
An imposing warrior-wizard to bolster your Slaves to Darkness army. Protected by heavy armour, ready to rush into the fray alongside your Warriors of Chaos.
28,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Slaves to Darkness - Dice Set
21,95 €
A set of 16 deeply heretical dice for your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Cast in black acrylic plastic with white markings and the Slaves to Darkness faction symbol in place...
21,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Warhammer Underworlds : Grandfather's Gardeners
31,50 €
A Mastery-style warband that synergises well with Mastery Rivals decks. Includes fighter cards and warscroll cards for use in Warhammer Underworlds.
31,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Warhammer Underworlds: Jaws of Itzl
31,50 €
A Strike-style warband that synergises well with Strike Rivals decks. Includes fighter cards and warscroll cards for use in Warhammer Underworlds.
31,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Warscroll Cards - Slaves to Darkness
23,50 €
A handy set of reference cards for unleashing the brutal Slaves to Darkness. Includes a set of Darkoath Raiders Spearhead cards, including their rules and abilities.
23,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Battleforce - Ironjawz - Wrekkamob
171,00 €
The box "Battleforce - Ironjawz - Wrekkamob" contains a devastating battleforce of brutal Ironjawz
171,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Stormcast Eternals - Iridan the Witness
83,95 €
The box "Stormcast Eternals - Iridan the Witness" contains a mighty Priest of the Stormcast Eternals.
83,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Stormcast Eternals - Stormreach Portal
58,50 €
The box "Stormcast Eternals - Stormreach Portal" contains a stunning piece of faction terrain for Stormcast Eternals armies. It is used to redeploy Sigmar's warriors across the...
58,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Stormcast Eternals - Tornus the Redeemed
36,95 €
The box "Stormcast Eternals - Tornus the Redeemed" contains a former devotee of Chaos turned flying herald of Sigmar's wrath.
36,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Stormcast Eternals - Lord-Celestant
31,50 €
The box "Stormcast Eternals - Lord-Celestant" contains a potent infantry leader to march to the front lines. He is armed and heavily armoured for the most brutal battlefields.
31,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Stormcast Eternals - Stormstrike Palladors
49,50 €
The box "Stormcast Eternals - Stormstrike Palladors" contains a devastating unit of mounted Stormcast Eternals adept at melee combat. Their Gryph-charger mounts can rend flesh w...
49,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Stormcast Eternals - Reclusians
44,95 €
The box "Stormcast Eternals - Reclusians" contains three doomed warriors of the Ruination chambers, pressed into Sigmar's service for crucial battles and accompanied into battle...
44,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Stormcast Eternals - Lord-Terminos
30,95 €
The box "Stormcast Eternals - Lord-Terminos" contains a sinister executioner of the Ruination chamber accompanied by a hooded, mortal Memorian.
30,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Stormcast Eternals - Lord-Relictor
30,95 €
The box "Stormcast Eternals - Lord-Relictor" contains a macabre priest to lead your Stormcast Eternals and ready to smite the God-King's enemies with a massive hammer.
30,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Warscroll Cards - Stormcast Eternals
23,50 €
The box "Warscroll Cards - Stormcast Eternals" contains a handy set of reference cards for harnessing the glorious Stormcast Eternals, also includes a set of Vigilant Brotherhoo...
23,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Order Battletome - Stormcast Eternals
42,95 €
The book "Order Battletome - Stormcast Eternals" is an essential guide to collecting and playing Stormcast Eternals armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
42,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Dice Set - Stormcast Eternals
21,95 €
Bring down the blessings of Sigmar upon your warriors with thisset of 16 lightning-themed dice for your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar and cast in royal blue acrylic plastic w...
21,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Skavens - Ratling Warpblaster
39,95 €
The box "Skavens - Ratling Warpblaster" contains a loud, dangerous, and unstable Skaven war machine which will enable you to destroy foes with overwhelming firepower and hails o...
39,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Age of Sigmar : Skavens - Warplock Jezzails
36,95 €
The box "Skavens - Warplock Jezzails" contains three Three infantry sniper teams for your Skaven armies.
36,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
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