This supplement contains a detailed adventure accompanied by heroes ready to be played: long life in the prince! It also contains an abstract from the 7th sea rules and world, by making an excellent introductory kit to this new edition.
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This supplement contains a detailed adventure accompanied by heroes ready to be played: long life in the prince! It also contains an abstract of the 7th Sea Rules and Universe, by doing an excellent introductory kit to this new edition. Prince's lifetime! This rocambolesque epic offers you to incarnate Aleksy, Prince of the Sarmatian Federation, as well as his heterogeneous entourage in their efforts to flee and thwart a ruthless usurpenter. All you need to discover and experiment with the new 7th sea edition! 7th Sea is a table role-playing game that gives the kind of cloak and sword, machinations, exploration and 'adventure. The action takes place on a continent named the theah, place of magic and mystery inspired by our Europe. Players embody heroes involved in large-scale conspiracies and conspirating claims. To them to explore the ancient ruins of a race for a long time and to protect the worthy kings and queens of the theah of perfidious assassins.
Of Cape and Sword
Overall score
Agate RPG
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Les Bloggers ont donné une note de 1/5 sur ce produit
Ce jeu a été joué et recommandé par Rôliste TV, voici son avis :
Dur de trouver du positif. L'ensemble est bâclé, une carte illisible que vous devez rracher pour jouer. La description du PJ principal ne correspond pas à l' il n'y a que " (TROIS) images en 42 pages. Le scénario n'est pas un scénario mais 2 scènes... Un excellent jeu, un Kit raté.