HeroQuest is a fantasy adventure game first launched in 1989. Since then, the board game has become a classic of adventure gaming, combining exploration, strategy and cooperation. After several years' hiatus, the game has been re-released from 2021 - 2022 in France - with modernized miniatures and revised game mechanics to appeal to today's generations.
This tactical game stands out for its immersive aspect, where players embody heroes who explore dungeons, battle fantastic creatures and accomplish epic quests. HeroQuest has been designed to be accessible while offering strategic depth.
The original game features a modular board system, allowing unique dungeons to be created for each game. Players can choose different character types, such as barbarian, elf, dwarf or wizard, each with specific skills and powers. One of the players takes on the role of Game Master, controlling the enemies and the progress of the story.
Over the years, HeroQuest has undergone several expansions, each adding new quests, miniatures and gameplay elements. Expansions such as La Forteresse de Kellar, Le Retour du Seigneur Sorcier, L'Horreur des Glaces or Le Mage du Miroir have enriched the game universe with new challenges and monsters.
49,90 €
HeroQuest: First Light is an introductory version of the HeroQuest game system, featuring new quests and compatible with all HeroQuest expansions.
49,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
HeroQuest - Les Jungles de Delthrak
49,90 €
Les Jungles de Delthrak is a quest pack for your HeroQuest adventure! Find 16 new missions with an innovative plot mechanism where you can choose your path.
49,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
HeroQuest - La Voie du Moine Errant
15,90 €
HeroQuest - La Voie du Moine Errant is an expansion for HeroQuest in french.
15,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
HeroQuest - La Prophétie de Télor
34,90 €
This HeroQuest expansion features thirteen captivating quests written by Stephen Baker.
34,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
HeroQuest - La Horde des Ogres
52,90 €
Quest pack for your HeroQuest adventure!
52,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
HeroQuest - Le Tourment de la Reine des Esprits
33,90 €
French edition of HeroQuest: Spirit Queen's Torment.
33,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
HeroQuest - La Lune de la Terreur
49,95 €
HEROQUEST - The Moon of Terror is an extension for Heroquest containing 10 quests and 29 figurines. Play a brave knight and try to release Elethorn from Zargon's claws.
49,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
44,90 €
This adventure sees trouble brewing in the elven kingdom.
44,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
Hero Quest - L'Horreur des Glaces
45,90 €
The Ice Horror is an expansion pack for HeroQuest that includes 10 new Adventures, new miniatures and game elements. Ideal for extending the immersive HeroQuest experience.
45,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
HeroQuest - La Forteresse de Kellar
34,90 €
La Forteresse de Kellar is an expansion for HeroQuest in french.
34,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
HeroQuest - Le Retour du Seigneur Sorcier
33,90 €
Le Retour du Seigneur Sorcier is an expansion for HeroQuest in french.
33,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
134,90 €
Explore dungeons, complete quests in early boardgame facsimile of D&D.
134,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
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