Flames of War - Panzer Lehr Division Army Deal
127,50 €
This box contains 15 plastic vehicles, 22 infantry teams and 3 guns for Flames of War. Unassembled and unpainted.
127,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - 21st Panzerdivision Army Deal
155,95 €
This box contains 21 plastic vehicles and 7 infantry teams for Flames of War. Unassembled and unpainted.
155,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Grille (Late) 15 cm Gun Platoon
21,95 €
Flames of War - Grille (Late) 15 cm Gun Platoon contains 2 Grille (Late) (15cm) Self-propelled Guns in plastic. To be mounted and painted.
21,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Sturmtiger Assault Howitzer Platoon
21,95 €
Flames of War - Sturmtiger Assault Howitzer Platoon contains 2 Sturmtiger (38cm Rocket) Assault Howitzers in plastic. To be assembled and painted.
21,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Tiger II Tank Platoon
33,95 €
Flames of War - Tiger II Tank Platoon contains 3 Tiger II (8.8cmm) plastic tanks. To be assembled and painted.
33,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Hornisse Tank - Hunter Platoon
33,50 €
Flames of War - Hornisse Tank - Hunter Platoon contains 4 Hornisse (8.8cm) Tank-hunters or Hummel (15cm) Self-propelled Guns.
33,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Jagdtiger Tank - Hunter Platoon
33,50 €
Flames of War - Jagdtiger Tank - Hunter Platoon contains 3 Jagdtiger (12.8cm) Tank-Hunters in plastic and a sheet of stickers. To assemble and paint.
33,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Armoured Flak Platoon
25,50 €
Flames of War - Armoured Flak Platoon contains 3 Sd Kfx 251 (2cm), or Sd Kfz 251 (Triple 15mm) plastic half-tracks and a decal sheet. To be assembled and painted.
25,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Panther (Late) Tank Platoon
41,50 €
Flames of War - Panther (Late) Tank Platoon contains 5 Panther Tanks or Jagdpanther Tank-hunters
41,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Leopard 1 Panzer Zug
42,50 €
Includes five Leopard 1 plastic tanks, one plastic tank commander sprue, decal sheet & three Unit cards. Supplied unpainted and unassembled.
42,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - SS Reconaissance Company HQ
25,50 €
This box contains 2 plastic SdKfz 250 half-tracks and 2 MP40 SMG teams. Figures supplies unassembled and unpainted.
25,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - SdKfz 231 SS Scout Troops
38,95 €
This box contains 4 metal and resin SdKfz 231 armored cars. Figures supplies unassembled and unpainted.
38,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - SdKfz 221 and 222 SS Scout Troop
24,95 €
This box contains 3 metal and resin vehicles, 2 SdKfz 222 and 1 SdKfz 231 armored cars. Figures supplies unassembled and unpainted.
24,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - MG42 SS Machine Gun Platoon
8,50 €
This box contains 4 MG42 HMG teams. Figures supplies unassembled and unpainted.
8,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Armoured SS Panzergrenadier Company HQ
12,50 €
This box contains 1 Sd.Kfz.251 half-track and several plastic figures and 4 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
12,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - 8cm SS Mortar Platoon
10,50 €
This box contains 6 8cm mortar teams and 1 unit card. To assemble and paint.
10,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - 12cm SS Mortar Platoon
10,50 €
This box contains 4x 12cm mortar teams and 1 unit card. To assemble and paint.
10,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - D-Day Waffen SS Command Card Pack
8,50 €
D-Day Waffen SS Command Card Pack contains 43 cards to enhance your force, field iconic warriors and customize your units.
8,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - D-Day Waffen SS Unit Card Pack
14,95 €
Contains 47 unit cards with all the statistics and rules you need to field the D-Day Waffen SS Forces.
14,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Waffen SS Decal Set
10,50 €
This blister contains two sheets of decals for ten different SS-Divisions, and two sheets of German crosses and numbers.
10,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - SdKfz 7/1 Quad AA Platoon
29,50 €
This box contains 3 metal SdKfz 7/1 half-tracks and 1 unit card. To assemble and paint.
29,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Jagdpanzer IV Tank-Hunter Platoon
45,50 €
This box contains 4 metal Jagdpanzer IV, 1 decal sheet and 1 unit card. To assemble and paint.
45,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - 12cm Mortar Platoon
10,50 €
This box contains 4 plastic 12cm mortar teams and 2 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
10,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Fallschirmjäger HMG Platoon
8,50 €
This box contains 4 plastic MG42 HMG teams and 1 unit card. To assemble and paint.
8,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Fallschirmjäger 8cm-12cm Mortar Platoon
16,95 €
This box contains 7 plastic mortar team and 2 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
16,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Fallschirmjäger Platoon
24,95 €
This box contains 9 plastic infantry team and 2 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
24,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Sd Kfz 251 Platoon
33,95 €
This box contains 4 plastic half-tracks and 3 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
33,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - 8.8cm Tank-Hunter Platoon
33,95 €
This box contains 4 plastic 8.8cm anti-tank gun and 1 unit card. To assemble and paint.
33,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Puma Scout Troop
33,95 €
This box contains 4 plastic armoured cars, 1 decal sheet and 3 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
33,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - 7.5 Tank Hunter Platoon
32,50 €
This box contains 4 plastic 7.5cm anti-tank guns and 2 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
32,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Tiger Heavy Tank Platoon
42,50 €
This box contains 5 plastic Tiger (8.8cm) tanks, 1 decal sheet and 4 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
42,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Fallschirmjäger 7.5cm Tank Hunter Platoon
33,95 €
This box contains 4 plastic 7.5cm anti-tank guns and 1 unit card. To assemble and paint.
33,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Fallschirmjäger Company
50,95 €
This box contains 26 plastic infantry team and 4 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
50,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - 7.5cm Infantry Gun Platoon
17,50 €
This box contains 2 metal 7.5cm Infantry Gun teams, plastic crew and 2 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
17,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - SdKfz 250 Scout Troup
25,50 €
This box contains 3 Sdkfz 250 (2cm) or SdKfz 250 (7.5cm) or SdKfz 250 (MG) Armoured Cars in plastic, 1 decal sheet and 4 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
25,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Möbelwagen AA Platoon
38,95 €
This box contains 4 metal Möbelwagen (3.7cm) Tanks and 1 unit card. To assemble and paint.
38,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Armoured Reconnaissance HQ Platoon
16,95 €
This box contains 2 plastic SdKfz 250 half-tracks, 2 half-tracks crew sprues, 2 MP40 SMG teams and 3 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
16,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - SdKfz 10/4 Light AA Platoon
33,95 €
This box contains 4 plastic SdKfz 10/4 (2cm) half-tracks or 2cm AA gun with crew and 2unit cards. To assemble and paint.
33,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - 5cm Tank Hunter Platoon
25,50 €
This box contains 3 plastic 5cm anti-tank gun with crew and 1unit card. To assemble and paint.
25,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
Flames of War - Sd Kfz 250 Transports
41,50 €
This box contains 5 SdKfz 250 Half-tracks and 5 half-tracks crew sprues in plastic, 1 decal sheet and 3 unit cards. To assemble and paint.
41,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
10,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
21,50 €
Vendu par Philibert
12,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
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