Born in a small village in Lorraine near Nancy, Guy Jeandel has an engineering background. One of his interests was to imagine games, mainly logic games.
To cheat the boredom of a hospital stay, he created the Voltaire game: a solitaire word game. It was the prelude to a range of original games designed with 2 essential characteristics: progressive difficulties and numerous challenges.
With the desire to manufacture in France, and with a concern for quality and aesthetics, he chose to work in partnership with craftsmen from the Jura whose tradition of woodworking is recognized. The games are made in French woods: mainly beech, ash and hornbeam .
For more than 20 years, alone and then as a couple, they created, edited and distributed their games. They have travelled the roads of France: a nomadic life, conviviality and authenticity... with always new ideas under their hat...
8,95 €
Coïncidix 3D Junior is needed to use the Coïncidix 3D Master cards. The challenges offered are from medium to very difficult and follow Coïncidix 3D Junior in difficulty.
8,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
34,00 €
Le tangram : jeu puzzle de 7 pièces Ce jeu passionne les esprits créatifs. Il stimule l’imagination et le sens de l’observation. Le but est de r...
34,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
19,99 €
Le tangram : jeu puzzle de 7 pièces Ce jeu passionne les esprits créatifs. Il stimule l’imagination et le sens de l’observation. Le but est de r...
19,99 €
Vendu par Philibert
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