Dune : Aventures dans l'Imperium - Cartes d'Atout : Architecte
20,00 €
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium - Asset Cards: Architect is a 56-card, 63 x 88 mm full-color deck for your games of Dune: Adventures in the Imperium.
20,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Dune : Aventures dans l'Imperium - Cartes d'Atout : Agent
20,00 €
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium - Asset Cards: Agent is a 56-card, 63 x 88 mm full-color deck for your games of Dune: Adventures in the Imperium.
20,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Changelin : Le Songe - Deck Arts et Royaumes
25,00 €
Changelin: Arts and Kingdoms Deck is a card deck for the game Changelin: The Dream 20th Anniversary Edition.
25,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Changelin : Le Songe - Personnages Prétirés
20,00 €
Changelin: Preloved Characters is a supplement for your games of Changelin: Le Songe.
20,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Changelin : Le Songe - Livre du Joueur
35,00 €
Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Birthday Edition - Player Book is a supplement for Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Birthday Edition.
35,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Changelin : Le Songe - Ecran du Conteur
26,95 €
Changeling : The Storyteller's Screen contains all the tables and rule summaries you need to play Changeling: The Dreaming.
26,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
25,00 €
Create an original character and enhance his skills with unique advantages to give him the upper hand! Thanks to these cards, you'll be able to make your choices easily and alwa...
25,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Cyberpunk RED - Deck de Netrunning
20,00 €
The Netrunning Deck comes with all the poker-sized cards a Cyberpunk RED campaign need to build a NET Architecture and run through it, straight to the bottom.
20,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
45,00 €
Black Chrome is a sourcebook for Cyberpunk Red in which you'll find a bunch of new items, info on megacorporations and neocorporations, and a lesson in Red Age economics.
45,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
39,90 €
Travel to the world of Peter Pan and his mysterious inhabitants with Neverland, a role-playing setting in Neverland.
39,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
5,00 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
Mage - Poster des Sphères et Traditions
10,00 €
This bundle includes the portfolio of traditions and the A3 poster of the Spheres.
10,00 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
Mage 20e Anniversaire - Dice set in purse
15,00 €
Set of 10 D10s in Mage colors and embossed with the Prime symbol in a purple velvet pouch.
15,00 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
90,00 €
Vaesen, the Scandinavian horror game deluxe french edition is a 232-page hardback, cloth-covered, full-color book.
90,00 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
L'Empire des Cerisiers - L'Ecran du Yami
30,00 €
This alternative screen for L'Empire des Cerisiers contains the same information as the classic screen, but features a specific illustration of the Yomi world. The screen i...
30,00 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
Maléfices - L'Etrange affaire du Noyé de Sedan
9,90 €
L'Étrange Affaire du Noyé de Sedan is a novella written for the Maléfice crowdfunding campaign.
9,90 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
Dune : Aventures dans l'Imperium - Sable et Poussière Edition Collector
60,00 €
This collector's edition of the Sand and Dust supplement features an imitation leather cover with limited-edition gold hot stamping.
60,00 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
45,00 €
L'Hiver de l'Atome, take on a fearsome sect of the Children of Atom, led by the Last Son of Atom, in an action-packed, open-ended, non-linear quest that can take characters from...
45,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Dune : Aventures dans l'Imperium - édition collector de la Maison Corrino
99,00 €
The role-playing game Dune: Adventures in the Imperium transports you to a distant future, beyond anything you've ever imagined. Here, fear kills the spirit. So never let your g...
99,00 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
170,00 €
This box contains everything you need to get started in the world of GODS.
170,00 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
Dune : Aventures dans l'Imperium - édition collector de la Maison Harkonnen
99,00 €
The role-playing game Dune: Adventures in the Imperium transports you to a distant future, beyond anything you've ever imagined. Here, fear kills the spirit. So never let your g...
99,00 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
Kult : Divinité Perdue - Deluxe Edition
85,00 €
Kult: Divinité Perdue is the new edition of the acclaimed contemporary horror role-playing game. This fourth edition features a new rules system and an overhauled context.
85,00 €
Vendu par Arkhane Asylum
14,95 €
This set of original dice has been specially created for the GODS role-playing game. It contains ten 10-sided dice.
14,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
GODS - Aventures dans les Terres Sauvages
35,00 €
Aventures in the Wilderness offers four scenarios for the GODS role-playing game
35,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
26,95 €
This three-part game screen contains a reminder of the GODS rules, available at a glance, to best assist the Oracle in his task.
26,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
45,00 €
Le Livre de l'Oracle is a supplement for the GODS role-playing game. The aim of this book is to place the keys to the GODS universe in the hands of the Oracle, revealing many of...
45,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
55,00 €
GODS is a Dark Fantasy role-playing game by Bastien Lecouffe-Deharme and Julien Blondel. It is above all a game of adventure, epic quests and exploration in a brutal world inspi...
55,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Vampire : la Mascarade V5 - Guide du Joueur
49,90 €
Sourcebook for the roleplaying game Vampire : The Masquerade
49,90 €
Vendu par Philibert
L'Empire des Cerisiers - Quand Murmurent les Cerisiers
35,00 €
Quand Murmurent les Cerisiers, or Sakura ga sasayaku toki, is a supplement containing new information on the "long island" of Naga-shima and four scenarios
35,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
26,95 €
Landscape game leader screen for the Vaesen role-playing game.
26,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Vaesen - Le Jeu de Rôle d'Horreur Scandinave
45,00 €
Vaesen is a horrific role-playing game set in 19th-century Northern Europe, in which Scandinavia and its Myths and Legends are very real. This role-playing game is inspired by t...
45,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
15,00 €
Deck of 33 high-quality cards designed for the Vaesen role-playing game. The beautifully illustrated cards complement the game and enhance your experience.
15,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
40,00 €
This book brings additional content to Vaesen, the Scandinavian horror role-playing game. Discover a mythical Alsace, with its creatures and mysteries, through new rules, archet...
40,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
35,00 €
This book contains four self-contained mystery scenarios for Vaesen, the Scandinavian horror role-playing game, which can be played on their own or as part of a longer campaign.
35,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Alien : Le Jeu de rôle - Au Coeur des Ténèbres
35,00 €
French edition of Heart of Darkness for the roleplaying game Alien
35,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Colostle - Le Journal de l'Explorateur
12,00 €
Immerse yourself in Colostle's legendary adventure and keep track of your exploits with the Explorer's Diary. Each double-page spread is specially designed to record every phase...
12,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
22,00 €
Colostle is a rulebook and setting for an adventure in the impossible roomlands of the Colostle, a castle so huge that whole continents, oceans and mountain ranges sit within it...
22,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Dice Men : Les origines de Games Workshop
40,00 €
Dice Men tells the fascinating, untold story of an iconic company that changed the world of board games forever. The book offers a glimpse into Games Workshop's turbulent early ...
40,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Fallout - Kit du Meneur de jeu
30,00 €
Le Kit du Meneur de jeu includes a 72-page full-color softcover booklet with two full-color punch boards, a full-color front/back map, and four color cards
30,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
45,00 €
French edition of the roleplaying game Mutant Year Zero: Mechatron
45,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
The Witcher - Le Tome du Chaos
45,00 €
Le Tome du Choas is a supplement for the Witcher TRPG which gives you a number of new spells, invocations, rituals, and hexes as well as a collection of magic items, dark ritual...
45,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
26,95 €
Discover the world of Fallout in this official role -playing game adapted from the famous video game franchise! Thanks to its 2D20 system, experience dramatic situations and act...
26,95 €
Vendu par Philibert
Vampire : la Mascarade V5 - La Seconde Inquisition
45,00 €
Sourcebook for the roleplaying game Vampire : The Masquerade
45,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
L'Empire des Cerisiers - Contes anciens des Yokai
40,00 €
Contes anciens des Yokai is a supplement about Yôkai and the supernatural for the role-playing game L'Empire des Cerisiers
40,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Hunter: Le Jugement - Livre de Règles
55,00 €
A Storytelling Game of Desperate Measures
55,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
Cyberpunk RED - Tales of the RED
45,00 €
Tales of the RED is a collection of 9 missions for Cyberpunk RED
45,00 €
Vendu par Philibert
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